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F O R   B O D Y   A N D   L I G H T

W I T H I N   |   B E T W E E N


"Recalling dreams that blur

into almost intangible memories." 
-The Dance Current (Jennifer Mesch)


Choregraphy | Mise en scène |Projection

Stéphanie Morin-Robert


Spoken Word| Music

Ian Ferrier


Edmonton Collaborating Performer

Bridget Jessome


Marc J Chalifoux Photography
Marc J Chalifoux Photography
Photo: Michael Kovacs
Photo: Michael Kovacs
Marc J Chalifoux Photography
Marc J Chalifoux Photography
You wake up in darkness…
find yourself on a train. 
No memory of where you got on. 
And the headlight’s on,
and the silver of the rails it’s like the moon thrown across dark water.
WITHIN|BETWEEN is about the moment before you decide to act, when you vanish within yourself. 
Then, when you want to return,
what if there’s no way back?
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